What’s For Breakfast at a B&B?
One of the highlights of traveling is enjoying the food. Whether it’s the local street fare from a food truck or a trendy upscale restaurant, eating at new places is always high on the list while on vacation.
If you have chosen to stay at a Bed and Breakfast during your travels you are in luck because the most important meal of the day is a BIG deal at a B&B. Breakfast is home cooked and specially prepared to your liking. Imagine waking up slowly in the morning to the aroma of fresh Irish soda bread wafting gently throughout the Inn and satisfying a rumbling tummy with freshly prepared muffins, scrambled eggs and fruit.
What to Expect for Breakfast at a B&B
First, breakfast at a B&B is complimentary. At a hotel and depending on the hotel you’re staying at you might get an on-the-go cold breakfast that leaves you hungry a few minutes later. Or you may have the option to pay for a hot breakfast but it won’t be personal and no telling how long it has been sitting under a heat lamp.
Unlike a hotel, an Inn’s charm radiates warm hospitality and personalized service. This atmosphere encourages guests to mingle and visit during breakfast. Who knows, you may meet a new friend. But hospitality goes both ways. Depending on the property, you might be staying in someone’s private home, sharing common rooms, or dining with fellow travelers. Here are a few things to know about when it comes to breakfast at a B&B.
What’s For Breakfast at a B&B?
Innkeepers strive to make breakfast at their Inn a memorable experience. One thing that is great about the B&B experience is that every breakfast you have at every B&B will be different. No two will be the same.
The differences that you will find in breakfast service at each inn relates alot to what type of food is served, how it’s served and for what time period breakfast is available. Each B&B tailors its breakfast service to best fit their particular kitchen space constraints and culinary skills and occasionally local ordinances that may limit if food can be made on premise or not.
The size of the inn, number of guests and size of the dining space also plays a part in how breakfast and morning coffee service is delivered at an inn.
Seating For Breakfast
At B&Bs where there may be more guests than can fit in the dining area at any one time the innkeepers may offer their guests a choice of times and seating options at check in. Other inns choose to just offer breakfast service over a longer period of time and have you come to breakfast at whatever time suits you and some B&Bs offer breakfast service at a specific time.
The next variance in breakfast service for B&Bs focuses on the type of seating that is offered. Some B&Bs offer breakfast as a communal affair where all guests are invited to eat together at one big table at one common time. This used to be the most common type of breakfast service in B&Bs and for many loyal B&B travelers what they liked best about the experience.
Today, more and more inns are moving away from the communal breakfast to offer their guests the flexibility of sitting at an individual table for 2 or joining other guests at a small table. Others offer guests the option of room service or a breakfast tray to take back to the room or to an outside dining area.offer breakfast service at one set time.
At B&Bs, as in life, communication and common courtesy are key. Innkeepers understand quests often have special dietary requirements and strive to meet those needs. With appropriate notice an Innkeeper can switch up to ensure your gluten sensitivity or vegetarian needs are met and you leave the breakfast table delightfully satisfied.
When staying at the Inn On Bath Creek breakfast is served in our cheerful yellow sunroom. Guests sit around a large communal table with a view of the well landscaped backyard. Innkeepers Dale and Maree serve their guests a 3 course gourmet breakfast influenced by Maree’s Irish heritage. Frequently on the menu is Irish soda bread with Kerry butter. Mouth watering pastries made from scratch using recipes dating back generations from Maree’s mum who was an accomplished pastry chef back in the day. Getting hungry? Hurry and book your reservations.