This Veteran’s Day, We’re Saying Thanks
To show our appreciation and thanks for our military veterans, this Veteran’s Day the Inn on Bath Creek will be offering veterans a free night’s stay.
Originally referred to as Armistice Day, Veteran’s Day was observed decades before it became a national holiday. The date originated as the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the time that WWI hostilities were said to have ended.
The first observance of Armistice Day occurred in 1919. Originally, Armistice Day was in honor of WWI veterans who fought for peace. It wasn’t until 1938 that Armistice Day became a nationally recognized holiday. The decision to change Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day was based on the impact that military conflicts have had. The objective was to celebrate and appreciate military veterans of all wars, not just WWI.
Come join us on this Veteran’s Day to spend the day in an area bathed in its own US History. Allow us to show our appreciation with a free night’s stay. To say thanks for keeping us safe, on November 11th we are offering one free night’s stay plus breakfast to any veterans (subject to availability).
Please give us a call on (252) 923-9571 or visit our Contact Us Page to book a reservation today.